Why did I check out their ministry? I checked it out because that’s where my friends went, and I wanted to see what it was about. I didn’t become friends with them by going to the ministry; I went to the ministry by becoming friends with them.
Read MoreWe should be encouraged that while the world may see us as “weird,” God calls us to his all-encompassing glory and majesty. This is a trade-off I am willing to make.
Read MoreThe Lord in His kindness revealed to me how I lose trust in the unseen and take the mortal realm as absolute truth. As scripture puts it, I “exchange the truth of God for a lie, and worship and serve created things rather than the Creator” (Romans 1:25). The great war which exists between the horizontal and vertical. The difference between head knowledge and vision.
Read MoreI’m tired of fighting for scraps. Christians are free from fretting over trivial things. We know that we have a Father who will take cares us, and that frees us to care about his mission.
Read MoreGrowing up, I looked forward to youth camps. There was something about the environment that was electric. Maybe it was staying up late with friends, the fun activities, the amazing worship, but I always looked forward to going. It was a time where I felt closer to God. I guess one could say I was hooked on that spiritual high.
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