What is Redeemer Fellows?
Redeemer Fellows exists to train lifelong disciple-makers and church leaders for every nation, tribe, and tongue through our Summer Internship and 2-Semester Fellowship.
Christ the Redeemer gathers in the Brandon Mill neighborhood of Greenville, South Carolina. We exist to simply love God and love people by what we say and what we do. Redeemer is a church in an urban setting, which will shape and form what ministry looks like in a growing and changing city.
Redeemer Fellows is built on the core values of Christ the Redeemer—community, discipleship, liturgy, mercy + mission, and simplicity. Interns and Fellows will spend their time in Spiritual Formation, Theological Education, and Ministry Application. We pray that every participant would grow, learn, and serve in their time here at Redeemer.
What’s Expected?
Participants will pursue Spiritual Formation through regular attendance at Redeemer worship gatherings, reading books, listening to sermons, regular discussions on the interior life, and through the opportunity to be discipled by a ministry leader from Redeemer.
Participants will be given the chance to grow in their Theological Education through roundtable discussions, class times, and reading extensively through books that have been handpicked by the leadership of Redeemer. Interns will read between 9-10 books over the Summer, and Fellows will read between 28-30 books over the course of the academic year.
Participants will have many opportunities to leverage what they have learned and how they have grown in Ministry Application. Each Intern and Fellow will serve in a particular ministry setting where they will be responsible for leading teams after the servant leadership model given by Jesus. Areas of ministry are decided by interest and gifting of the applicant, as well as the needs of Redeemer at the time. A full list of options will be given to applicants. We also encourage initiative and innovation for Interns and Fellows to create ministry opportunities.
All Interns and Fellows are expected to support themselves either by fundraising, working a part-time job, or both. All Interns and Fellows will be asked to raise funds for books, curriculum, and to offset the cost of their program (exact fundraising details will be given to applicants).
The Internship runs from May to August and is designed for college students and recent high school graduates to grow in their relationship with God and their neighbors, learn the inner workings of discipleship in the local church, and serve through various outreach opportunities.
The 2-Semester Fellowship runs from September to April (with a break for Christmas). This program is designed for college graduates to grow in their discipleship of Jesus, learn how to be a leader within the local church, and serve through being behind the scenes of the various ways Redeemer seeks to love our congregation and serve our community well.
Internship applications are due by December 15 th of the year before the program starts, and Fellowship applications are due March 31 st of the same year of the program.
“I interned at Redeemer during the Summer of 2020. Doing ministry during the time of COVID was difficult, but my internship was not hindered in any way. The leadership at Redeemer found ways to reach out to the community, as well as better their facilities, while also tending to my Spiritual life and growth. I was able to see the side of ministry that doesn’t get talked about as much, such as the upkeep of the church, the logistical side of reaching out to those in need of a church, and the ways in which two seemingly different churches can partner together. My time interning at Redeemer was full of connection, hard work, and most importantly Biblical truth and I wouldn’t change a thing.” - Connor, 2020 Intern
“As a Fellows Intern, I was able to organize and host Christ the Redeemer’s first annual art camp for children in the nearby neighborhood. I was also able to serve at the nearby abortion center interceding for the preborn and sharing hope with mothers seeking abortion! In these pursuits, I have grown in my ability to care for and love sinners as Jesus did (Mark 2:15-17). This summer has also produced a greater love for the local church, as I’ve grown in my understanding of its vital importance in unifying believers and enacting evangelism pursuits. If you have any interest in pursuing ministry whether vocationally or just personally, I would highly recommend you take a summer to serve with Christ the Redeemer!” - Taylor, 2022 Intern