May They Know Us By Our Love

One of the marks of Christ the Redeemer Church is our love for each other and our neighborhood. However, while we have love in our hearts for our neighbors, if we never put that into practice or we never let them know, what good is it? If our local mission field goes untended, what’s the point?

Christ The Redeemer can be a presence, a light, a resource, and a refuge. We want to be known in the community as the hands and feet of Jesus. What a testimony it would be to be known by our love!

Here are tangible ways we, as a church, are choosing to serve the people that God has gifted to us in our neighborhood. Friends, we hope each attendee of Christ the Redeemer will use these opportunities to love those around us well for the sake of the Gospel.

You can learn more about each of the ministries below by clicking on their logo.

Child Evangelism Fellowship – Good News Club

Good News Club meets kids right where they are! In schools (yes, schools!), community centers, churches, and neighborhood homes, teachers who are screened, trained, and equipped lead action-packed Good News Clubs every week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior. Christ the Redeemer volunteers serve in AJ Whittenberg Elementary on Thursday afternoons from 2-4 pm. To find out how to join this ministry team, email Kirsten Daulton.

“I came to Good News Club when my friend invited me so I could know about God. Now I know Jesus as my Savior, and He helps me with hard times.”

- Fourth-grade boy from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

World Relief, Upstate SC

Today, there are over 100 million people around the globe who have been forced or made the painful choice to leave their homes. After years of fleeing violence, famine, and extreme poverty, their greatest hope is that they’ll find a safe place to rebuild their lives and call home. At World Relief, they’ve welcomed, advocated for, and helped integrate over 400,000 immigrants in vulnerable situations into communities all across our nation. And they’ve done so with the help of bold and compassionate women and men just like you. Christ the Redeemer partners with World Relief to serve the refugees in our area. Contact Ashley Wireman to see how you can be a part of this ministry team.

Freedom that Lasts

Freedom That Lasts is a Christ-centered, Bible-based, local-church-focused discipleship ministry to those who are enslaved in life-dominating sins or overcome by hurtful events of life. They understand that addicts are sufferers who have chosen to respond to their suffering through the use of addictive behaviors of all sorts. Viewing men and women struggling with addiction through this lens allows for sympathy while holding them accountable to Gospel-driven standards. FTL has found that this approach equips non-addicts and addicts to be able to come together for encouragement, support, and biblical discipleship. Freedom That Lasts will be meeting at Christ the Redeemer on Thursday Nights at 7 pm starting on January 9th, 2025. Contact Ben Marshall if you would like more information or to volunteer.


Switch Ministry

We all have different strengths and abilities. If we combine our gifts and talents we will be able to END SEX TRAFFICKING in the Upstate. Switch wants to empower you to take the gifting, ability, and strength that you carry and use it in this fight. Email Switch directly to find out how you can come alongside them and help fight this important fight in the Upstate. Sometimes they just need folks to come to their office and pray for them – it’s that simple.


Events & Seasonal Opportunities


Child Evangelism Fellowship – 5-Day Club

Placed right in their neighborhoods, the 5-Day Club is easy for a child to access on their summer break. Teachers are trained and equipped to lead action-packed 5-Day Clubs for one solid week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior. You will hear more information about this as summer approaches, and it is typically in mid-July. We also host a Block Party at the end of the Club week for all area kids to open our building and grounds up to the neighborhood to celebrate a week of learning about the Gospel.

ACBC Biblical Counseling Training

Everyone counsels every day. Even you. Every time someone asks your advice or needs discipleship, you’re counseling. The question is, are you equipped to give biblical advice that points others toward obedience to Christ with a heart for the grace of the Gospel? Can you confidently minister to people with scripture? 

Periodically we provide an opportunity to be equipped to love and serve by being trained in biblical counseling. The 30 hours of training, taught over three weekends spread out over three separate months, covers issues like marriage, parenting, depression, communication, conflict resolution, and so much more. Watch for these details as the first training weekend approaches, as well as a QR to register.

Spring Community Outreach

This annual neighborhood outreach rotates between two different events every other year. In the even-numbered years, we host a large garage sale and cookout, where we invite our neighbors to purchase items at a very low price as well as enjoy a free meal while getting to know us better. If we see a need, we gladly give items away! In the odd-numbered years, we will host a Makers Market event (with Food Trucks and goods from local artisans) to increase our presence in the neighborhood and offer a fun event to the community. In both cases, we also take the time to find out how we can pray for our neighbors.

Piedmont Women’s Center

From the Sunday after Thanksgiving until "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" in January, we participate in a Baby Bottle Campaign to raise money for the Piedmont Women's Center. Most members of CTR take home a baby bottle in November, fill it with change and bills for 6 weeks, and bring it back on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday as a reminder of the life-saving work that PWC is doing and as a way to support their mission. We also use the bottles as a daily visual reminder in our homes to pray for the PWC and their clients.