New Home!
One of the things we value as a church is the fact that we are one among many churches in our area. There are many churches that are trying to make disciples of Jesus and to share his love with their communities. We also are thankful that our history as a church stretches back many generations.
This Sunday we will have the privilege of continuing the legacy of serving the Brandon Community and The Village of West Greenville as we move into our new home as a church at the historic Brandon United Methodist Church building at 118 Mason Street! We thank God for the years of faithful service of our brothers and sisters in Christ who have preached the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We will worship God for his faithfulness to our fledgling and growing congregation. We will thank him for his faithfulness to us. We will praise him for his faithfulness to brothers and sisters who have served before us. We will rejoice that this wonderful and historic church of over 117 years will be able to continue its legacy of loving God and her neighbors.
If you have not found a church home, please know that you are welcome to join us!