Update to Our Masking Policy

Last night the Pastors met to discuss recent encouraging developments as reported by local, state, and federal agencies in relation to Covid-19. We had a very encouraging discussion and are thankful for the unity that God has blessed us with—not something often witnessed in our world. We are so thankful to God how you have prayed for us and trusted our leading. We know there has been disagreement on various ways of handling information and making decisions. We have tried to lead in the humblest ways we could during a time that has been divisive, discouraging, and difficult. We pray that our church will grow in our love for one another and continue to keep the priority of loving and serving others on the forefront of our mind and actions.

WIth the availability of the vaccine, concerns remedied that we voiced in making our decisions at the outset (namely, trying to serve those who are most vulnerable in our community), and guidance from our local, state, and federal agencies, we agreed that it is best to move from requesting everyone to wear masks to mask wearing being optional.

You are free to wear a mask if you so choose. However, the use of masks, face cloths, or face coverings is no longer requested but left to one’s own conscience.

Please continue to self-regulate if you have been exposed or show symptoms of any sickness (not only Covid-19).

We are looking forward not to going back to normal. Instead, we pray that this past year will have shaped us to be a more humble, understanding, patient, and persevering people. We pray that while the world sees division, they might witness unity and grace and love in our congregation. We pray that our speech would be seasoned with salt, our actions with humility, and our hearts pursuant of our loving God.

Jack Voigt