Worshiping Guidelines During a Pandemic



I’m very excited for us to get back in our building to worship together! As I shared with you, I loved being out at Shoeless Joe Jackson Park together, but with the advent of the uncertain Fall weather, we thought it best to go ahead and begin worshiping back in the building rather than going week-to-week as to whether we’d be outside or not.

With worshiping back in the building together, there will be guidelines we will need to adhere to so that we can enjoy fellowship with one another during this pandemic.  

As I prayed this past Sunday from Philippians 2, my heart’s longing is for us to be unified—while still being able to hold differences of preferences. This is the harder way of love. To disagree on practice, but to maintain the unity of the Body in the bond of peace (Eph. 4.3). 

I spoke with a dear friend a couple weeks ago and he uttered my same sentiments during this time: “I have never longed for Christ’s return as much as I have these past six months.” Yes and Amen. May these birth pangs make us long more for Jesus and mourn the brokenness of our world now (Matt 24.1-8; Rom 8.18-39). 

As we worship together, we realize that this is a foretaste of heaven, while still straining for heaven. Things are not what they will be. But we urge each other toward that Day with hope-filled expectation. May that be our cry and longing.

As a leadership at Redeemer, we believe that wearing a mask does help lower the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. We also believe that social distancing of six feet is helpful in mitigating the spread of the disease. While wearing a mask is an infringement on our personal autonomy, we believe that the health and vitality and fellowship of the community is more important than those freedoms. Therefore,

  1. Where we cannot socially distance, we will wear a mask.

  2. Masks will be provided if you forget yours.

  3. We will sing (at the volume of a speaking level) during our Corporate Worship Service. Studies suggest the risk of transmission is similar to speaking when done so at a speaking volume.

  4. We cannot socially distance in an honest way in our Sanctuary, therefore, we need to require the wearing of masks in the Sanctuary.

  5. We will have overflow space set aside in the Fellowship Hall—where social distancing is more possible and younger kids can move around. If you decide to go to the Fellowship Hall, when it is time for the Lord’s Supper, if you would like to take it, you will need to come back up to the Sanctuary to take from the common table.

  6. Our Family Ministry offerings will begin October 25th, at the 9:00a hour. Details on those Re-convening Details forthcoming

  7. Nursery will also begin to be offered October 25th. Please check your 3mo-3yr-olds in at 10:15a. 

  8. Please make a point to congregate outside so we can fellowship with one another.

  9. As of now, with the parking lot finishing up, we will need to park on the street. Please reserve spots next to the church for those who are handicapped or senior citizens. Please join us in praying that the parking lot will be finished by the end of October.

We must be even more intentional than before to ask each other about life. Each of us has our own struggles. May we help each other share our burdens (Gal 6.2). Not simply saying that we believe we should. But may we actually do so (John 13.34-35).

I am filled with strained hope. May we keep moving forward as a church. 

With much affection,

Matt (on behalf of the Pastors of Christ the Redeemer)

Matt Wireman