Annual Self-Reflection Questionnaire


Self-knowledge is needed for a deep, intimate relationship with God. Many of us live our lives going from one thing to the next without spending any time in thoughtful reflection of how an event is affecting me or how my response to stimuli could be improved. The Christian life is replete with grace for our shortcomings and power for growth.

Begin this year by reflecting and planning for how you will engage with the God who is always working in our midst. We can train ourselves to receive his gifts, but we must learn to open our hands. We can be better reflections of how grace in our lives, if we will spend time thinking about how.

The joy we’re after in our decision-making can be pursued by thoughtful intention.

But we have to do something. It won’t simply happen. This guide is meant to aid you in honest reflection and planning for the new year.

Self-Reflection Questionnaire

Matt Wireman